Milkweed 37

I think that if there are trains, Jamina and her family will go on the train but Misha will run away. According to the text, Uri told Misha not to go on the trains. Unkle Sheep thinks there are no trains. If there were trains, I think Misha would run away because Uri told him not to go on the trains. But there also couldn’t be trains and Uri was just making it up.

Little Women

Little Women was the best play I have ever seen and it was the best field trip ever! The story was so good and the actors were amazing! My favorite characters were Jo and Laurie. They were AMAZING at acting and the costumes were so realistic. The set was so good and it literally looked like a house that they would have back then.If I go to Duchene (which I really want to) I want to act in a play like this one. Overall this play was my favorite Duchene play!

Milkweed 26

I think Jamina will start sneaking out with Misha every night but one night get caught. Based on what I read, Misha sneaks out every night but one night Jamina sneaks out to. Jamina refused to go home when Misha told her to. Misha knows that people and other jackboots are out and he could very easily get caught so he has to be very carefull and sneak around without anybody knowing he is even there.

I Will

I will pay it forward. Some people say they will pay it forward but won’t actually follow through with it but I am going to pay it forward. I think the concept of paying it forward is an incredible idea. There are lots of ways to pay it forward and it doesn’t need to be very big. If everybody just paid it forward to to someone, the movement could get bigger and bigger until everybody paid it forward.

Pay It Forward

I think that Trevor is not going to die. Trevor is probably going to be wounded very badly but definitely not die because that would be devastating. Trevor is an incredible person because he started the movement and he did three major things for people like saving somebody and getting stabbed in the stomach. I predict that he is not going to die.

Pay it Forward

I think that Gordie was not afraid to get beat up because he has gotten beat up a lot. He has gotten beat up a lot because he has a boyfriend. Those people who attacked Gordie and his boyfriend were probably against people who were had boyfriends and they thought that that was okay to do that. The boy who yelled something was Trevor. He has to pay it forward to one other person and I think he is going to help Gordie.

Milkweed 5-16

I think that Misha and Uri will go with the Jews and live there even though they don’t have the wristbands but they might get them later on. According to the book, Misha started walking with the Jews. He was scaring all of the Jews acidently because he is a Gypsy. Basially the Jews are scared of anybody who is not a Jew and Misha says he is not a Jew and that is scaring alot of them. I predict that Misha and Uri will get separated but eventualy find eachother.

Milkweed 1-5

I think that Stopthief and Uri will get captured and or get hit by a bomb. Based on what I read, Uri and Stopthief only go out at night but one day there was a mob in the street for some weird reason. The mob was running but all of a sudden they stopped. Stopthief knows that it is not safe outside but he still wants to adventure. I predict that once everyone is evacuated again, one of the nazi will see them and capture them.

Wonder Finish Book

I think everybody’s motive to be nice and except August is because August stood up to the seventh grade bullies. According to the text, August, Jack, Amos, Miles, and Henry stood up to the bullies that were way older than them. They also went on this huge adventure through the woods and got out safely. If someone in our school did all of that I would always want to hangout with them because that was so brave of them.