Milkweed 1-5

I think that Stopthief and Uri will get captured and or get hit by a bomb. Based on what I read, Uri and Stopthief only go out at night but one day there was a mob in the street for some weird reason. The mob was running but all of a sudden they stopped. Stopthief knows that it is not safe outside but he still wants to adventure. I predict that once everyone is evacuated again, one of the nazi will see them and capture them.

7 thoughts on “Milkweed 1-5

  1. I disagree that they will get hit by a bomb. The crowd was out in the street because the nazi’s were out on the street.

  2. I disagree that Stoptheif will get hit by a bomb. In most books, they usually don’t kill off a character at the start, no one would be sad. They do not know the character enough yet. That is not correct, or a good thing to do in a book. Also, I assume that Stoptheif is the main character, he has to live to the end of the book, or it would have to tell what happens in a ghost point-of-view.

  3. I do Agree with Freda that you can’t just kill off a character in the start . But it is possible for the main character to die at the end of the book.
    For example in the final book in the series of the Hunger Games, the character Prim dies witch is the main characters sister and she plays a big role in the story.

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